Was out sharing the gospel in the Staple Tye area, when I came across my usual friends of which the Lord promptly told me to preach to, new faces this time however, so I ask "hey guys, anyone need healing?". They reply " hey it's the Jesus man, he prays for people and they get healed!". They point to a young man who has a knee injury, I ask what happened to him he replies that he twisted his knee and that it hurt, and he showed me how he had restricted range of movement, in the name of Jesus I command his knee to be healed, he tries it out...nothing, I pray again, "it's better but still hurts", I pray one more time, "pain is gone!" I ask him to test it out and he walks without any pain whatsoever and with full range of movement, a young man turns to me and asks me to pray for him, he seems to command a lot of respect from his peers, his knuckle is damaged pushed back and almost invisible because of fighting, I command it to be healed several times, nothing.... The power of God however is ever present each time, I can feel it flowing through my hands to him and occasionally my hands burn with the fire of God, (sometimes creative miracles happen progressively, even a day later, after the anointing has gone into them). The young man has great faith, I prayed for him for over ten minutes, all the while his friends kicking a ball over our heads and mocking us, he reprimands them to stop it because of his reverence for God, May God finish what he started in this young man and affirm his love to him!