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On a trip to top up gas and electricity, a gentle-man walked past me, he was using a walking cane, which was odd as he looked to be in his early 50's late 40's. He walked very slowly, I gathered that he was in pain. I asked if I could pray for him, he replied in Arabic, I said "I don't know what that means", he explained that he had never had a supernatural experience with Mohamed or Jesus, which led me to think that he was expectant. I told him that Jesus was going to heal him and that he would not need the GP anymore (which is where he was headed, for an appointment). I asked if he was in pain and how much, he replied "severe" so I placed my hand on his shoulder and commanded pain to leave and also that his spinal system be restored in the name of Jesus. I asked how he felt he replied "better, the pain has dropped to a nine from ten", he let me pray again, after this time he replied "I'm healed, no pain!'. I asked him to walk further with me to test it out as i rejoiced with him and explained that Jesus healed him by his love and his self sacrifice at the cross, I explained that Jesus is not just a prophet, but that he is God and asked him to seek God further on this, and for Christ to reveal his identity to him Glory be to God!

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