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Walking with my daughter today, I saw a woman in her twenties sitting down, I suppose she was on a break from work. I felt The Lord prompt me to speak to her. I obeyed, approached her and gave her a gospel tract. I felt the Lord draw my eyes and attention to her foot so I asked her if she had injured her foot at all, she said that she had injured her foot about a month ago, and that it was still swollen and also that in certain positions it hurt when she put pressure on it. I explained how Jesus healed the sick when he was on the earth and how he has given Christians the task to continue His work since he has returned to heaven.

I asked if she would mind me praying for her, she was very open and said "yes please!" I laid hands and commanded pain and trauma to leave and for healing to come, I asked her to test it out she excitedly exclaimed "its healed!" . She went on to say "my back hurts can you pray for that too?" I said yes, of course! I prayed the first time, she said that the pain was still there, I prayed again she said there was still some pain, I prayed a third time, but this time the gift of the word of knowledge came and I saw that there was something wrong with one of her disks, I commanded a recreative miracle for her disks and asked her to test her back out, this time we both jumped in excitment as she said " the pain is gone!" She said can God make me lose weight? (I knew this was God challenging me because only yesterday I had been watching some video testimonies of God performing instant weight loss miracles), I said yes He can! I commanded the fat cells to melt, I asked her to test it out and she said "my trousers actually feel looser".

To cut the story short she made a confession for Christ and was born again today. Another reunion between Father God and His beloved child, All praise and glory be to God!

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