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"My sheep know my voice and hear me, they will not follow a stranger" ~ Jesus Christ

God knows the future so he knows those who will accept His son Jesus Christ as God and saviour. He calls these his lost sheep, he calls them his children. When we are sensitive to Gods promptings He will lead us to his lost sheep. God provides miracles and prophecy to get the attention of his lost children so that they may believe in the nature of His son Jesus Christ so that they may become born again.

I was walking in Edinburgh way when i felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to look behind me when i did I saw two teenagers who were now right next to me. I gave them gospel tracts and asked if they believed in God. One of the girls said "yes im a Christian" i asked the second she said "all my family are Christians" but I felt she wasn't born again herself, judging from her response. I shared the gospel with them, the girl who answered second got born again, I asked the first if she believed that Jesus Christ is God in nature she said "no I'm a Jehovah's witness, I don't believe that Jesus is God" suddenly I felt God give me a detailed prophetic word of knowledge about her family concerning a recent bereavement, who had died and how it affected her, she confirmed that it was true, I explained how its not Gods fault and that she should not cast her faith away because of the bereavement. I explained how Jesus is God by being one in nature with him as His father and I asked her to go and seek God personally concerning Jesus Christ's identity as no one can be saved unless they believe that Jesus Christ is one in nature with God. A seed for faith has been planted, please pray that Jesus Christ will reveal himself to this precious young girl!

John 10:24-26 " So the Jews gathered round him and said to him, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ [God in nature in other words], tell us plainly.” 25 Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe. The works [miracles] that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness to me; 26 but you do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep.

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