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We were shopping in town with my wife and daughter. God pointed out two young ladies who were sitting in Burger King. The Lord prompted me to speak to them. I walked over to them and proceeded to ask if they believed in God, to which one young lady replied and said that she does, however she had never had a personal encounter with God. I explained how Jesus is real and has given healing miracles as proof of His existence, I asked if any of then had pain in their body one of them had a sore neck, I layed hands and commanded the pain to go in Jesus name. I repeated at least twice before the pain completely left. God now had their attention and after this God began to give some prophetic words of knowledge, one of the young ladies was taken aback, she thought I was a phsycic because God who sees and knows everything was reading her mind, and I was telling them what God was showing me about them, after which I had to explain the difference between Gods prophetic people and phsycics. I sensed expectation from the other young lady, I felt led to pray for her and God encouraged her, she began to laugh "for no apparent reason" but it was the joy of The Lord, The Holy spirit that came upon her. These two young ladies got born again that day, praise be to God!

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