I was out and about with my daughter as usual, I came across a number of school children about eight of them or so, all gathered around. The Lord asked me to share the gospel with them so naturally you know i did as it happens ...and chickened out! I walked straight past them! but I later did a u turn and I am glad i repented from my disobedience. I went back and told them that Jesus is real and is still healing now as he did 2000 years ago, i asked if any of them believed in God and asked if any were in pain and needed healing, One of the young men answered and said "you stopped me on the road and told me about Jesus once before and i still believe" glory to God! He carried on to say "I have pain in my shoulder"
I commanded the pain to leave him in Jesus name, he said "Its gone!". It raised the attention of the other lads, two more came up with problems and pain in their bodies and i asked them to pray for each other in Jesus name. ALL of them got healed and all of them accepted Jesus Christ as their saviour, Glory be to God! I walked away and the same day i met two young ladies i recognised one from an encounter I had on another day with her friend whom she was with at the time (testimony for another day) but her friend got healed from a knee injury, the lord had given me a prophetic word that he had injured his knee he said "how did you know?" I said "God wants to heal you" and he did! These two young ladies also easily got saved, they remembered their friends miracle.
This is the power of miracles brothers and sisters, these are days of small beginnings God will trust us with greater when we are faithful! God is doing something in this generation! He is after the young people, the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few who will go and gather the lost? I am looking forward to the day when i see other testimonies apart from my own in this group
Mark 16:17 "These signs shall follow those who believe [any ordinary christian], they shall cast out demons and if they lay hands on the sick the sick will recover" ~ (Jesus Christ, means what he says, and says what he means)